ISA CODE Conductor & Characteristics Temperature Range Limits of Error
  Positive Negative Fahrenheit Celsius Standard Special
J Iron
32° to 1382° 0° to 750° 2.2°C (4°F) or 0.75% 1.1°C (2°F) or .4%
Jx Iron
32° to 392° 0° to 750° 2.2°C (4°F) or 0.75% 1.1°C (2°F) or 0.4%
T Copper
(Yellow Metal)
(Silver Metal)
-328°to 32°
32° to 662°
-200° to 0° *
0° to 350°
1°C (1.8°F) or 1.5%
1°C (1.8°F) or 0.75%
0.5°C or (0.9°F) or 0.4%
Tx Copper
-76° to +212° -60° to + 100° 1°C (1.8°F) 0.5°C (0.9°F)
K Chromel
32° to 2282° 0° to 1250° 2.2°C (4°F)
or 0.75%
1.1°C (2°F)
or 0.4%
Kx Chromel
32° to 392° 0° to 200° 2.2°C(4°F) ---
E Chromel Constantan 32° to 1652° 0° to 900° 1.7°C (3°F) or 0.5% 1°C(1.8°F) or 0.4%
Ex Chromel
32° to 392° 0° to 200° 1.7°C(3°F) ---
S Platinum
10% Rhodium
Platinum 32° to 2642° 0° to 1450° 1.5°C(2.7°F) or 0.25% 0.6°C(1.1°F) or 0.1%
R Platinum
13% Rhodium
Platinum 32° to 2642° 0° to 1450° 1.5°C(2.7°F) or 0.25% 0.6°C(1.1°F) or 0.1%
Sx Copper
11 Alloy
32° to 392° 0° to 200° 0.57mV ---
B Platinum
30% Rhodium
6% Rhodium
1472° to 3092° 800° to 1700° 0.5% .25%
Bx Copper
32° to 212° 0° to 100° 0,000mV ----
W Tungsten Tungsten
26% Rhenuium
32° to 800°
800° to 4200°
0° to 472°
472° to 2315°
1% ***
W3 Tungsten
3% Rhenium
25% Rhenium
32° to 800°
800° to 4200°
0° to 472°
472° to 2315°
1% ***
W5 Tungsten
5% Rhenium
26% Rhenium
32° to 800°
800° to 4200°
0° to 472°
472° to 2315°
1% ***

* Thermocouples and thermocouple materials are normally supplied to meet the limits of error specified in the table for temperatures above 0°C. The same materials, however, may not fall within the sub-zero limits of error given in this section. If materials are required to meet the sub-zero limits, the purchase order must so state. Selection of materials usually will be required.
** Little information is available to justify establishing special limits of error for sub-zero temperatures.
*** For wire sizes of .010″ dia. and larger.

Note 1: Values for J, T, K, E, R, S and B are the same as those specified in ANSI specification MC96.1-1982
Note 2: Where error is given in percent, the percentage applies to the temperature being measured, not the range. Select whichever is greater
Note: Limits of Error for Type N are the same as Type K
Note: Type W5 is also known as Type C